“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. All you have to do is learn to deeply listen… Deep listening can happen with stillness or movement, music or silence, alone or together.”
-ZEN Seraphine
Free Sound Meditations
Sound Meditations with ZEN Seraphine
All Sound Moments of ZEN Videos
Enjoy these beautiful FREE crystal singing bowl and other sound healing instrumental meditations with ZEN Seraphine, because I love you and want you to feel at peace.
A Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation for Finding Peace Within
Allow yourself to close your eyes as you listen to these soporific sounds for this 15-minute meditation, and find yourself feeling deeply relaxed. If you wish, you may set your intention to finding a space of deep peace within.
Transforming Stress Into Lightness
This is a beautiful 10-minute meditation of crystal singing bowl and steel-tongue drum for your relaxation & stress management. Simply get comfortable, and allow your attention to focus on the sounds & how they feel as they pass through your body. Feel how a few minutes of sound therapy can shift your vibration.
A Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation: We Are All in This Together
Allow yourself to close your eyes as you listen to these soporific sounds for this 15-minute meditation, and find yourself feeling deeply relaxed. If you wish, you may set your intention to finding a feeling of being connected with all living things, expanding your consciousness into unity and compassion.
A Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation for Ancestral Healing
Allow yourself to journey inward and connect with the intention of Ancestral Healing, with this 30-minute meditation performed for Dia De Los Muertos, October 2021. This sound meditation is best used for an inner journey experience. May the sounds guide your inner experience.
A Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation for Releasing Emotion
Allow yourself to close your eyes as you listen to these soporific sounds for this 15-minute meditation, and find yourself feeling deeply relaxed. If you wish, you may set your intention to releasing emotion that you no longer wish to hold, and allow for the sounds to soothe you back to peace.
Sound Meditation for Peace with Crystal Bowl & Kamale Ngoni
This beautiful meditation uses the entrancing sound of the African Kamale Ngoni over crystal singing bowls to create a soothing soundscape for your inner journey into peace!